Every act of man is a mark on his path.
Sideboards and Cabinets
The home is the ideal place for memories and affection; it is a container in itself. The act of containing is born of an ancestral need which informs almost all our items.
Tables and Desks
We meet around the table: the gathering function of this item of furniture is simple and fundamental.
Chairs and Armchairs
The chair accommodates a person for a moment of rest, encounter or conviviality; its effective function enhances these important times, its friendly presence is a sign of peace and dignity.
In a bookcase, the structure must be perfectly consistent with the function of container and custodian of books. Lightness, practicality of use and solidity are at the root of its beauty.
Beds and Storage
The bed – man’s great invention – welcomes us, protects us and cradles us with life, love and dreams. Enormous and silent simplicity is the foundation of its structure and its image.
Structural details and customised finishes make each piece a unique item.
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