We are FSC® certified
FSC® is an independent NGO that developed the first certification system for forestry products. It aims to promote responsible forest management so as to meet the needs of current and future generations.
FSC® certification aims to guarantee environmentally appropriate, socially advantageous and economically sustainable forest management.
FSC® certified products available on request.

Our vision guides us
We are convinced that a company’s quality, including its environmental quality, is conditioned primarily by the vision guiding its path, as this vision dictates and conditions all of its processes and choices.
Our shop emerges from a vision, the vision that Giuseppe Rivadossi has been pursuing since the beginning: “…man is not an isolated individual, but he belongs to creation and is conscious of it…”.
Ecology studies the relationships between living beings and the physical environment in which they live. It tells us of the wonderful and infinite unity that encompasses us all.
Man lives in a cosmos and is part of a relationship. Only recognising this relationship gives us the possibility of giving meaning to our actions.

Designing structures for life
The first factor that affects our health is the environment around us: what care must we take when creating our environments?
We believe that correct design and construction derive from a broad outlook: the product of our actions involves us but also the other, and in multiple ways.
Our first focus is to offer a welcoming space which is able to put the people using it at ease by correctly relating to their various needs, such as sight, touch, the volume of the body and its movement needs.
A welcome is the foundation of every relationship because it allows the other to relax, to be recognised and to activate their own receptiveness in turn.
These dynamics are closely linked to a person’s physical and mental wellbeing. The way in which we process raw materials, defining dimensions and structures, arises from this awareness.
Beauty as awareness
We design with the awareness that beauty does not only take aesthetics into account, but it also combines various aspects including the very important tactile and ergonomic dimension.
We turn our attention to surfaces that must be soft and cosy because they support our body and its needs.
Wooden surfaces are enhanced with the handcrafted finishings typical of our offer, such as manual gouging, manual planing and the accurate rounding of all edges.
All of this attention does not only play in favour of our ergonomic comfort, but it also helps us to perceive the natural material as a true presence with which we can vibe and reconnect.

Raw materials
Materials and their origin, the way in which we design and our construction techniques all contribute to the beauty and eco-friendliness of our offer.
Wood already has an evocative and regenerative power to help us easily go back to our roots.
Using a single type of wood rather than substitutes brings a great environmental advantage as wood captures large amounts of carbon dioxide and requires little energy to be transformed.
This material is used to create works that go beyond fashion, and their durability over time further enhances this advantage.
Energy efficiency
In order to reduce the environmental impact of our production process, with the support of the European Regional Development Fund, we have installed a photovoltaic system that covers our energy needs.
We have optimised all our lighting systems with LEDs and converted from gas-powered heating to heat pumps.
We only use electricity from renewable sources for the remainder of our energy needs.


Person-oriented design

Sustainable materials, responsible forest management and energy from renewable sources

Intelligent design and waste reduction

Long-lasting product

Contribution to the creation of a welcoming and meaningful environment
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